Annual Work by the Foundation


Take AIM Activity

We conduct a fun event during Take AIM to give students something active and inexpensive to do on Sunday evening. It is also an opportunity for students to practice their networking skills and develop friendships with members from other chapters.


State Leadership Conference Fun Run

The foundation encourages members to get some exercise during the State Leadership Conference through an annual fun run on Monday afternoon. Students and advisers get moving and have fun with music, t-shirts and more.



Fall A&A Call

Foundation board members and volunteers call Alumni & Associate members each fall to check in, stay connected, and offer the opportunity to give back to the organization.


National STAR Event Participant Support

We support state STAR Event winners as they represent Kansas FCCLA at the National Leadership Conference. The foundation pays the national competition registration fees for all state top gold participants.

What are the benefit of STAR Events? Here are just a few:

  • Students learn and implement the FCCLA Planning Process - Identify Concerns, Set a Goal, Form a Plan, Act and Follow Up

  • Students discover career interests, develop essential skills and build relationships that are foundational to a lifetime of success.

  • STAR Events require students to do more than just gain knowledge. Each event is a practical execution of a project that has real and positive benefits for the student and their family, school or community.

  • Students develop public speaking skills by presenting the process and outcomes of their project to a panel of judges.

  • National competitors also get the opportunity to see and experience new people and places by going to the National Leadership Conference. They will connect with other peers who share common interests, but different backgrounds and have life-changing experiences traveling with their chapter.